Just because you're in your caravan or motorhome doesn't mean you can't enjoy a delicious, moist chocolate cake, as long as you have an oven or something of the like to cook it in of course.
Here's an easy-to-bake chocolate cake sent in by Vanessa.
1 tbsp Boiling Water
2 tsp Butter
1 tbsp Cocoa
1 Cup Icing Sugar
2 Large Eggs (or 3 Small/medium Ones) whisked lightly
3/4 Cup Butter
1/2 cubed,
1/4 melted
2 tbsp Plain Flour
1/2 tsp Bicarbonate Soda
1 1/3 Cup Brown Sugar
1 cup Self-raising Flour
1/2 cup Cocoa Powder
1 cup Milk
1. Grease a 19cm base cake pan with melted butter.
2. Line with non-stick baking powder. Then, preheat oven to 160°C.
3. Heat a large saucepan on low and put in the cubes of butter followed by milk and sugar. Then, sift the cocoa powder and bicarbonate soda over the pan.
4. Whisk the ingredients together in the pan until smooth but avoid letting it boil.
5. After mixing, remove the pan from heat and set aside.
6. After 5 minutes, sift half of the plain and self-raising flour to the slightly cooled saucepan. Mix together and then pour in the rest of the flours. Mix again. Mix well until smooth then add eggs.
7. Stir together until combined. Pour the saucepan mix to the greased cake pan (make sure to bench to release air bubbles) Bake for 50 minutes or do the toothpick test during the 45-minute mark.
8. Set aside for a few minutes and then let it cool for 1-2 hours.
Chocolate Cake Icing
1. In a large bowl, sift the icing sugar and cocoa powder then add in butter and water.
2. Stir together until smooth.
3. Using a spoon spread the icing on top over the cool cake Set aside for 50 minutes or until icing is firm.